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'Going for the better, having fun and all this in the best possible environment.'

A few weeks ago Johan van Amersfoort has written and published an article about building your dream job and the reasons why it applies to his current job. With this short blogpost I want to give my personal view on his article. I want to take you on my adventure about/towards my dream job and how my current employer contributes to it.

My adventure started almost 2,5 years ago. As young network consultant I was open for a new challenge. I didn’t want to have “just” another consulting role. I wanted to have the opportunity to increase/share my knowledge and time with people who have the same goal and passion: Going for the better, having fun and all this in the best possible environment. Immediately after my first contact with ITQ, I had that feeling. You can read more in my earlier blogpostI joined ITQ and you should think about it too!


'This company gives me all opportunities I need to sail to the next island.'

Arnaud Gandibleux Virtualization Consultant at ITQ

Davy van der Laar in een Lego huiskamer

Up until this day I still have this feeling. Working day in, day out with highly skilled and passionate people has a motivational effect on me. Every time I see the ITQ logo, colours or swag I know I made the right choice. It motivates me to go the extra mile. To invest in my professional and personal skills. Sometimes it’s a really steep curve, but I’m happy that ITQ gives me that opportunity.

My career is still young – but to use the “sailboat and island”- metaphor Johan explained in his article – I’ve defined the next island where I want to come ashore. My goals are to become expert in SDN and share knowledge internationally with everyone who wants to hear. I don’t want to keep my adventure for myself. As weather conditions at sea can change, it’s hard to predict when I’m arriving on my next destination, but I was - and still am - willing to take this adventure together with ITQ. This company gives me all opportunities I need to sail to the next island: the combination of trainings, great shadowing opportunities and the trust they put in you on (international) projects, is leading towards professional expertise which results in great skills and certifications.

If you are looking for a new professional challenge, take your time to think to which island you would like to go next. Based on that outcome, only YOU can make the best choice. For me, ITQ is the company which can help reaching my next islands. ITQ is always reaching for the best without loosing eye on his employees. The personal approach really pays off. In such a short time I’ve ramped up to new levels. And the limit of my growth is not even in sight. Still every day I get my chance to shine. The ITQ culture is sacred. It’s not because ITQ is expanding internationally, that they loose anything of this unique culture. All ITQers are determined to not let this perish.

You like my sailing adventure at ITQ? Please check how you can determine your own adventure!

We like passionate people!

Bij ITQ krijg je de ruimte en ondersteuning om je te ontwikkelen zoals jij dat wilt. Zodat jij je werk kunt inrichten op een manier die bij jou past.