After working in the hospital for twenty years, IT professional and music lover Vincent Jansen made the move to ITQ. He wanted to rekindle his passion and keep learning. How did he like the first year? And did he rediscover his passion?

Vincent talks about how he combines his passion for music and IT.
'Of course we discussed technology and IT, but it was mostly about the passion for the profession and the people. I saw that at ITQ people come together with the same passion, drive and know-how.'
How did your passion for IT arise?
My father was an entrepreneur; I grew up among televisions and VCRs. So technology was something I was brought up on. Years later, when I started working in a hospital, I started experimenting with VMware together with a colleague at the time. I helped implement the first VMware environment and turned on the first virtual machine at the hospital. I began to delve more and more into the VMware software. And from that grew a true passion.
Why did you decide to go to ITQ after twenty years?
When I find something interesting, I really want to know everything about it and dive in completely. But at the hospital, I felt I couldn't share that passion with enough others. I started to miss that more and more. Over the years, ITQ people were occasionally hired by the hospital and I saw that passion in them. Moreover, they were people with whom I had a good click. More and more I heard: 'Vincent, I think you would feel at home at ITQ' and that idea started to grow.
How did the first contact with ITQ go?
I felt like I was at a T-junction: do I stay with the hospital until retirement, or do I take a leap of faith? I had a total of five interviews with ITQ and discussed different positions. After each interview, I thought more and more: what a cool company this is. Of course we discussed technology and IT, but it was mostly about the passion for the profession and the people. I saw that at ITQ people come together with the same passion, drive and know-how. That gave me the courage to take the plunge.
How did you experience your first year at ITQ?
I spent this first year working for a large service provider. A huge organization, where I had to find my way. At ITQ they gave me all the time and space I needed. Also to find out if there was a click and if the job suited me. I really liked the first year. The work is challenging, interesting and informative. And from the beginning I was given the freedom to undertake. Exactly what I was looking for.
Do you work from home or the office?
I can do a lot of that myself, of course in consultation with the client. If I like to go to the office one day, that's always possible. But most of the work is done online. That's where we can find each other well, also the (professional) colleagues from abroad. For me it is not so much about the physical contact, as long as you are really in contact. I really enjoy discussing things, sharing knowledge and learning from each other. There is plenty of enthusiasm and I get a lot of energy from that.
Do you ever get together with your ITQ colleagues?
We meet regularly for consultations and meetings. These are always enlightening and fascinating. We discuss all kinds of things: how the market is doing, what the new developments are in the sector and which way we want to go. And you are always asked for your opinion. Everyone is approachable and treats each other equally.
Do you also do fun things outside of work?
Yes, a while ago we had the ITQ family day with a barbecue and all kinds of activities. There was something for everyone, it was like a festival! My wife and kids were there, which was a lot of fun. But there is also plenty of room for fun at work. Everyone here has a strong sense of responsibility. So when it's time to work hard, we do so without whining, and when something is worth celebrating, we certainly do so. I have had the opportunity to work with many people at ITQ and I always experience that as a celebration.
'The technology behind music is a direct bridge to IT for me. You often see thinking outside the box to make cool stuff. That you can create a new sound by looking at an instrument in an alternative way. It's no different in IT. And at ITQ I have the space to think outside those fixed frameworks.'
Vincent Jansen Virtualization Consultant at ITQ

'I also think the international nature of ITQ is cool, we have people working here from all over Europe. Everyone I have met here possesses Passion with a capital P.'
So you found your passion again at ITQ?
Absolutely. Especially because I see that passion reflected in my colleagues. I also like the international character of ITQ, with people working here from all over Europe. Everyone I have met here has Passion with a capital P. I really like that. Moreover, I can regularly talk exuberantly about my other passion: music.
Can you tell more about your passion for music?
At my previous employer, you could hear me from afar. There in our office we had an old-fashioned stereo with four super speakers. I also collect music magazines, vinyl records and CDs, and I am packed with music knowledge. Like I said; if I think something is really cool I want to know everything about it and get to the bottom of things. This hunger to learn is expressed both in music and in my work.
So you see similarities between music and IT?
Definitely. I love listening to music, but in addition I am very curious about how it is made. The technology behind music is a direct bridge to IT for me. For example, I like to watch videos where they explain how certain songs are made. You often see thinking outside the box to create cool stuff. That you can create a new sound by looking at an instrument in an alternative way. In ITQ, it's no different. And at ITQ, I have the space to think outside those fixed boxes.
How do you see your future at ITQ?
I want to continue to develop, learn and share my passion with my colleagues. I have become genuinely curious again at ITQ and I notice that this curiosity also makes others enthusiastic. In this way, I myself have a direct influence on my job satisfaction. At the moment I am having fun in my work and that is the most important thing.
We like passionate people!
At ITQ you get the space and support to develop the way you want. So that you can organize your work in a way that suits you.